Data and Digitalization

Crafting the Future of Sustainable Healthcare

Annual Health Congress
November 14, 2023
Reykjavík, Iceland

Jón Skírnir Ágústsson

Jón Ágústsson, Ph.D. is the VP of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at sleep health leader, Nox Medical. In his role, Ágústsson leads an interdisciplinary team to advance sleep medicine. He has built a career in the medical device and medical research industry as an experienced artificial intelligence and research leader. Ágústsson and the research team at Nox are working to transform the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Leveraging the unique data Nox has collected through their operation they are investigating how the management of sleep disorders reduces the health and economic burden of comorbid chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Data and Digitalization

Crafting the Future of Sustainable Healthcare