Data and Digitalization

Crafting the Future of Sustainable Healthcare

Annual Health Congress
November 14, 2023
Reykjavík, Iceland

Dr. Thor Aspelund

Thor Aspelund teaches courses courses in clinical prediction modeling, survival analysis, and random effects models. He lead the modeling team at the University of Iceland to predict the development of COVID-19 in Iceland during the year 2020 and is in the research team behind the COVID-19 National Resilience Cohort. He currently is involved as a statistician in The SAGA cohort – a unique nationwide study on the impact of trauma on women ‘s health. As a been a statistician with the Icelandic Heart Association since 2002 when recruitment began for the Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility Reykjavik (AGES-Reykjavik). The AGES-Reykjavik Study was initiated to examine genetic susceptibility and gene/environment interaction as these contribute to phenotypes common in old age, a collaborative study between the National Institute on Aging, NIH (USA) and the Icelandic Heart Association. Aspelund is also  one of the founders of Risk Medical Solutions in Iceland.

Data and Digitalization

Crafting the Future of Sustainable Healthcare